Programs We Offer
An active shooter is a person engaged in killing or attempting to kill people. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and develop rapidly. The threat of indiscriminate gun violence hasn’t diminished. That’s why Active Shooter Awareness and Preparedness training programs give your organization the highest probability of survival.
The goal is to help increase the probability of survival by equipping your employees, faculty, members, administration, students with the latest life-saving awareness and preparedness training.
There are 5 programs available:
Educate – 2 Hour Presentation
PowerPoint presentation includes an overview of Active Shooter definitions; current statistics; situational awareness; indicators of potential violence, law enforcement response, prevention of active shooter situations; and audio/video of actual active shooter footage. Active shooter events occur in more environments than just the workplace and schools, this program prepares the attendees to create a plan for all possible venues.
- Educates attendees on best practices before, during and after an active threat
- Prepares attendees with simple practical tips to increase survival in an active shooter situation
- Educates attendees on the "red flags" of the active shooter, before the situation occurs
- Question and Answer session to follow presentation and discussion
Empower – 2 Hour Presentation
PowerPoint presentation includes an overview of Active Shooter definitions; current statistics; situational awareness; indicators of potential violence, law enforcement response, prevention of active shooter situations; and audio/video of actual active shooter footage. Active shooter events occur in more environments other than the workplace and schools, this program prepares the attendees to create a plan for all possible venues.
- Presentation could include: Reminder Survival Cards, Brochures, Posters, Stress Balls, Pens/Pads etc.
- Educates attendees on best practices before, during and after an active threat
- Prepares attendees with simple practical tips to increase survival in an active shooter situation
- Educates attendees on the "red flags" of the active shooter, before the situation occurs
- Question and Answer session to follow presentation and discussion
Survive – Site Security Assessment (Available August 2018)
Provided by a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) State Certified Practitioner. This program includes a walk-through of one (1) floor of the specified location to analyze, evaluate and provide recommendations for enhanced safety, hiding locations, best practices. This programs cost is based on square footage.
Children/Student – 1 Hour Presentation (Available August 2018)
- Available for 5th-12th grade students
- Educates students on how to decipher between good and bad situations/persons
- Prepares children to think survival on their own, and assists them with simple demonstrations
- Asks children what lock-down measures and drills mean in their school, and how they work
- Discuss what children would do if they or their family were ever involved in a bad incident
Custom Package
Could include all programs (Educate, Empower, Survive, Children's) or a mixture.
* Contents of the presentation and materials are subject to change.